Why Use a Custom "Custom Copy" for Email Subject Lines?

Technology can be a big part of any marketing message. Good technology or bad, some of the most successful emails get their subject lines properly designed.

When it comes to email subject lines, the word "custom" should be the first word that pops into your head. But why?

Before I learned this, I could only come up with some really lame product names and descriptions. Here's a tip: never use the word "custom." Choose something original. Use your own words instead.

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Now that I know what to do, I'm always tempted to actually write "Custom Copy for Company X." But why? Why would you want to use your company's name as a placeholder? (If you want to catch a plane to Hawaii, please make sure the address starts with Alaska.)

Why not just use your name and let the recipient's creative impulse fill in the blanks? Well, for one thing, if your product is unique, your name is usually the first thing people think of when they hear your name. If you're selling "Bullfrog Records," it's not likely anyone will call you Bullfrog Records but it is likely to be something that you or someone you know actually has.

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Not too long ago, I received an email from a brand new Web site owner, who wanted me to go through his blank online form and answer questions to learn more about his site. He needed my help to drive traffic to his site. With a blank online form to fill out, and questions that had been written on his site, I realized that he had nothing to show me. The truth is, I am too busy, and I need my hands to be on the keyboard, instead of his.

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wrong image That's how the old saying goes: The worst thing you can do when selling anything is to have a wrong image. That doesn't mean you can't think of something unique and memorable for your subject line. You just have to be sure that you aren't looking to create a name that's hard to say or hard to spell. And keep in mind, even if you do get it right, you're not going to be remembered for your "creative impulse" so much as you'll be remembered for your innovative, conversational tone.

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